Von Vintage 

My film photography series, Von Vintage takes a look at the keepsakes of the past, remembered through the eyes of a dying media. It’s an effort to preserve the beauty in objects that once were so common place, now slowly finding their ways into op-shops and land fill. The images are all photographed using old vintage film cameras, to ensure they appear almost timeless, as photographs that could have been shot half a century ago, or yesterday. It’s Vintage on Vintage.


Mark Lobo - Von Vintage - Film Photography - Bronica

Mark Lobo - Von Vintage - Film Photography - Olivetti Lettera 32

Polaroid SX-70 | Hasselblad | Von Vintage | Mark Lobo



Von Vintage - Typewriter On Hasselblad

Mark Lobo - Von Vintage - Film Photography - Brunsviga 13RK Calculator

Mark Lobo - Von Vintage - Film Photography - STC Pixie Radio

Mark Lobo - Von Vintage - Film Photography - Coffee Cups

Mark Lobo - Von Vintage - Film Photography - Stromberg-Carlson M'stro Radio